Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I couldn't resist posting today.  In much need of an outlet.  Tomorrow (26 hours from now, to be exact), I have a physiology exam.  That's not so bad.  I'm getting used to having exams looming over my head like second hand smoke at your friend's mom's house when you were a kid, and when you come home and you still smell like Virginia Slim Ultra Light 100s.  

I am really tired of the pre-exam build-up.  Or, in other words, studying.  I'm sick of wading through hundreds of pages of information.  For example, during this 4-week unit on endocrinology, we've had six professors, all with their own style of writing notes, teaching, explaining.  There are hundreds of pages, thousands of different facts to memorize.  And no way of knowing what is more important than something else.  

I am sick of chasing hormones around pieces of paper, arrows pointing every which way.  If the human body was as disorganized our lecture notes, I don't think humans would've evolved beyond the little fish that walk on their elbows.  So, for the next 26 hours, I'm a disgruntled medical student.  Then I will be on spring break.   Until then, I have my agitation to deal with.  Aside from burnout, why am I so resistant to sitting down and learning calcium homeostasis? Maybe it's because I had fun this weekend.  Maybe because Diablo Cody won an Oscar for Best Screenplay for Juno, and I just found out she's 29.  And I'm 30.  And I haven't won an Oscar.  

Maybe it's because I'm wearing fleece sweatpants covered in cat hair.  Yeah, that's probably it.

1 comment:

Mrs. Pierson said...

we have a couple of things in common. first, i found a pack of eve 120s at a crafts festival when i was 8 and smoked the whole pack in my club house. second, i had thyroid cancer and a total thyroidectomy in 1994, so i know EVERYthing about the endocrine system.