Thursday, March 13, 2008


Sitting at my desk, it occurred to me that I actually have an unpaid, unofficial, part-time job: I am an unemployed web surfer.  I hired myself for the job.  No resume, references or cover letter required.  Spanish wasn't even mentioned.  As a "freelance" web surfer, I get no benefits, no vacation or sick days, and no 401-K.  The job is not without perks, however. I get a collection of web sites that uplift, inspire, and waste lots and lots of time.

I'd like to share one of my favorite websites.  The site speaks for itself, as it's a daily snapshot of a Brooklyn photographer's breakfast.  (If only it were brunch...) There's something about the early-morning simplicity of her photos that sheds light on how morning people must see the world.

Now, web surfing can become your part time job, too: Simply Breakfast.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

Roni said...

I feel so lucky to read the touchingly intelligent, sophisticated and creative literature recorded on these pages. Returning often to this site is a pleasure which, like the subtle thoughts on this blog, reach to the heart with dignity and grace.